
Here's what you'll be learning/doing during the course.

Module 1

Web fundamentals

  1. Markdown for notes
  2. Getting started with Linux (KDE Neon)
  3. The client-server architecture
  4. Nodes, IP addresses and ports
  5. Web servers
  6. DNS & Hosts file
  7. HTML
Module 2

Frontend fundamentals

  1. CSS basics
  2. Flex box
  3. Figma overview
  4. Design to HTML — Style guide basics
  5. Styling Form elements
  6. Styling page elements
  7. Responsive interfaces using media queries and CSS grids
  8. SMACSS and BEM methodology
  9. SCSS
Module 3

Backend fundamentals

  1. Python
  2. Virtual environments & PIP packages
  3. Setting up a Django project
  4. Writing your first Django app
  5. Model-View-Template overview
  6. Templates
  8. Models
  9. Class-based Views
  10. CRUD views
  11. Generic Views
  12. Authentication
  13. Django Admin Panel
Module 4

Javascript and SPAs

  1. JavaScript basics
  2. DOM traversal and manipulation
  3. Events
  4. Form validation
  5. Difference between vanilla JS and SPAs
  6. Vue JS Essentials
    1. Templates
    2. Reactivity
    3. Computed Properties
    4. Rendering
    5. Binding
    6. Event handling
    7. Lifecycle hooks
    8. Watchers
    9. Refs
    10. Vue Components In-Depth
  7. Transitions
  8. Routing
  9. State management
Module 5

Django REST framework

  1. RESTful APIs and HTTP Methods
  2. HTTP Status codes
  3. Serialization
  4. Requests and Responses
  5. Class-based views
  6. Authentication and permissions

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